50 sentences with “Can” Example Sentences

50 sentences with “Can”

Certainly! Here are some sentences using the word “can“:

1. I can play baseball.
2. We can dance.
3. My brother can write well.
4. I can speak both English and Tamil.
5. She can read the sentences.
6. He can swim.
7. Jimmy can run very fast.
8. You can put it somewhere.
9. Tommy can do this work alone.
10. I can see that small house.
11. I can ride a bike without training wheels now.
12. If you’re free this evening, we can watch a movie.
13. She can speak five different languages fluently.
14. They can believe the religions.
15. You can achieve your goals if you work hard and are persistent.
16. She can prepare delicious meals for her family.
17. They can wait on the bus stand.
18. He can develop his piano skills with his hard work.
19. The doctor said, she can resume her regular activities after a week.
20. I can call you later to discuss the details.
21. It’s already August, can you believe it?
22. For her birthday, we can organize a surprise celebration.
23. We can reschedule the meeting to a later time.
24. They can join us for dinner tonight
25. I can help you.

Here are some sentences starts with “can

1. Can you pass me the salt, please?
2. Can you please help me carry this heavy box?
3. Can we go for a walk in the park?
4. Can they fix the damaged car on their own?
5. Can she play the piano very well?
6. Can he play the guitar like a professional musician?
7. Can they come to the party tonight?
8. Can I have a glass of water, please?
9. Can I borrow your pen for a moment?
10. Can we go to the museum tomorrow?
11. Can he swim faster than his brother?
12. Can we take a road trip this weekend?
13. Can you please pass me the remote control?
14. Can she speak fluent English?
15. Can we meet up for coffee later?
16. Can you please turn down the volume on the Radio?
17. Can the dog fetch the ball?
18. Can I use your phone charger for a while?
19. Can it be true that they won the championship?
20. Can we meet at the park at 3 PM?
21. Can it be delivered by tomorrow?
22. Can you believe how fast time flies?
23. Can they arrive at the airport in time?
24. Can he solve the math problem without any assistance?
25. Can they fix the bathroom faucet that keeps leaking?

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